0.18 secs: The overbearing sound of the wavesd crashing into rocks in the opening really sets the film off with a lot of energy and suspense, which i feel really draws you in. there are very few cuts and long takes with CUs of the waves which suggest to us that this place is an island maybe even isolated but the setting is kept hidden throughout the beginning.

0.39 secs: we then begin to hear the diagetic sound of children laughing and shouting off screen so we are left woundering at this point if he is imagening it or they are actually there. Along with that non diagetic music begins to fade into the scene and tells us more about how is feeling and what those children mean to him.

0.41 secs: This shot is very interesting because of the POV (point of view) shot of the man which is a low angle long shot of the two kids, this is a complete juxtaposition to the shots of him which are in low key lighting as he is being hit by the waves. Also the way the light shines down on the children gives them an almost angelic glare tells us that they are very important to the story because of the mise en scene.
1:00: This MCU here of the gun here reveals the reason he may be thereand the way they have used the light to emphises the guns features is very important to our understanding of the narrative. And with this shot raises questions about who he may be.
Only one Manny not very good. Make sure these are finished asap and put your name at the top of the post